

Top 10


Prow and Capital

Image by Keith Miller

Prow and Capital

Artist Matt Pine
Location Located on pillars on either side of the stairs leading to the City to Sea Bridge
Tour directions From Pig, continue walking into Civic Square and turn right towards the foot of the stairs leading back up to the City and Sea Bridge

Did you know?

The Polynesian settlers of New Zealand migrated to New Zealand in large ocean-going waka. The word waka is also used to refer to groups of iwi descended from the people of one migratory waka.

Sculpture background

Prow and Capital stand on pillars on either side of the stairs leading to the City and Sea Bridge.

Together, they represent the Māori and Pākehā histories of Aotearoa New Zealand. Prow has a Tāniko (weaving) pattern and represents a waka and our Māori history. Capital draws on classical architecture and represents our European history.

The works are from Pine's 10-work stone sculpture series, called Reflections on an Ancient Past.